Talk to your Rep!

Why - and how - to talk to your representative!

Me talk to my representative?


And how?

The UT-Fits Scholarship will be voted on by legislators (not the general public). That means,  you have to tell your legislators that you want it!

Initially, it can seem intimidating to reach out to your elected representative. Have any of these thoughts gone through your head when someone tells you to “talk to your representative?”

“I don’t know anything about politics.”

“Does what I say make a difference?”

“What’s even the protocol for something like that?”

“Would they want to talk to me?”

If you’ve had these thoughts, don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

But, it’s time to think again!

Did you know:

Your representative works for you.

You elect them, and if they’re doing their job right, they represent your issues and concerns.

Representatives do take notice when they hear from you.

Some have told us that if they hear from even five people in their district about a single bill, it feels like a lot.

Representatives rely on you to alert them.

They deal with dozens of issues on a daily basis. Many don’t even have time to read every bill  they vote on. This is why they need to hear from you!

Ask them to vote YES!