Education Providers
Now accepting exhibitor registrations for our UEFA Summer Provider Fair

Here at Utah Education Fits All (UEFA) we’re building a community — a community of stakeholders who believe that families should have the freedom and access to choose the best fit for their child’s education.
As providers of goods and services, you are an integral part of this community. Education vendors and schools provide families with access to a wide variety of innovative opportunities and resources for their children.
UEFA serves both families and providers. We make it our business to connect our community of stakeholders together for the purpose of fulfilling our vision — to help every child find their unique fit in education through choice and a multitude of options.
Education is Changing in Utah!
Because of the Utah Fits All Scholarship, thousands of families will be purchasing education services and products with their child’s $8000 scholarship. Utah needs new, innovative, and competitive visions for education and we’re here to help foster that change . A marketplace with a wide spectrum of eligible providers offering services and goods to scholarship families will help parents find the right fit for their child’s education.
Thank you for trusting UEFA as a reliable resource to help you navigate the ins-and-outs of this exciting new school choice opportunity that empowers parents to customize the education of their children! That’s where you come in…
…You are the future marketplace for the Utah Fits All Scholarship, and we want to help that marketplace grow with quality vendors and schools like you.
Five Key Ways UEFA Will Serve You
At UEFA we provide the tools and resources you need to stay informed and connected. In turn you provide innovation and opportunities for children across Utah to access the education that best suits their needs, allows them to pursue their passions, and helps them realize their full potential.
In your role as a provider you can count on UEFA to be your go-to resource. We want you to know we have your back! How will we serve you? When it comes to the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program…
UEFA will serve you in FIVE KEY WAYS:
- We serve as your trusted resource for all things related to the program, providing important updates and information — so your business can hit the ground running!
- We build awareness and educate families about the scholarship — so your future customers are ready to navigate the scholarship, reducing the frustrations of a newly launched program.
- We help you communicate the news — we partner with you to share information (see our series of informative Virtual Town Halls) with your customers about how they can use their $8000 scholarship to purchase the education services and goods you provide.
- We connect you to the customer — through UEFA sponsored activities and events we connect you where it matters, to the families seeking scholarships (check out our recent Vendor/School Fair). Nearly 20,000 parents representing 41,000 students have joined our community of stakeholders!
- We are the advocates and defenders of the Utah Fits All Scholarship — UEFA is the recognized and trusted voice for the program, from funding increases to improving and protecting the law.
Join Our List Today!
Complete the simple form below and join the growing list of vendors and schools who understand the value of relying on UEFA for the critical information, links, resources, and connections they need to better serve Utah families as providers of education goods and services.
Utah Education Fits All is a non-profit organization and is not the program manager for the Utah Fits All Scholarship nor affiliated with the Utah State Board of Education.
How to Become a Qualifying Provider for the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program
Have you joined the Utah Fits All marketplace by becoming a Qualifying Provider yet? If not, what are you waiting for? The Program Manager, ACE Scholarships, has made the application process simple and fast.
Here are the three links you need:
- Go to the ACE, Utah Fits All Website
- Review the Qualifying Provider Handbook
- Complete the Application
The application portal for providers is open year round. ACE has an experienced team ready to assist and guide you every step of the way.
Remember, at UEFA we’re always here to help you. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Education Provider FAQs
For additional information, check out our FAQ page.
In 2023, Utah passed the Utah Fits All Scholarship. Starting in fall of 2024, the state will send a portion of per-pupil funding directly to families to purchase education products and services for their students. Fund amounts can be up to $8,000 per student, per year, and are deposited into a scholarship account parents will access through an online portal. The scholarship covers private school tuition, tutoring, education programs, curriculum, and more!
It’s for every child, in every zip-code, from every financial background, with every learning style.
Here’s the law if you want to read it: H.B. 215 Funding for Teacher Salaries + Optional Education Opportunities
Every child who is awarded a scholarship will receive $8,000 from funds appropriated by the Utah legislature. The exciting news is that each year that scholarship amount will automatically increase based on what’s called the CPI (Consumer Price Index), or five-year rolling average inflationary factor as defined by the law.
Well, this is the exciting part, there are so many options! The Utah Fits All Scholarship is the most customizable education program out there!
Here is a list of some of the many ways the Utah Fits All Scholarship can be used. Parents can combine services and goods for a truly customized fit.
- tuition and fees of a qualifying provider, such as private schools or microschools
- tutoring services
- fees for after-school or summer education programs
- textbooks, curriculum, or other instructional materials, including any supplemental materials or associated online instruction
- educational software and applications
- supplies or other equipment related to a scholarship student’s educational needs
- computer hardware or other technological devices that are intended primarily for a scholarship student’s educational needs
- educational services for students with disabilities from a licensed or accredited practitioner or provider, including occupational, behavioral, physical, audiology, or speech-language therapies
- fees and instructional materials at a technical college
- fees for qualifying exams or prep courses such as norm-referenced, AP, industry certification exams, college or university admission
- contracted services that the program manager approves and that a LEA (public school) provides, including individual classes, after-school tutoring services, transportation, or fees or costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities
- expenses related to extracurricular activities, field trips, educational supplements, and other educational experiences
- ride fees or fares for a fee-for-service transportation provider to transport the scholarship student to and from a qualifying provider, not to exceed $750 in a given school year
- any other expense for a good or service that a parent or scholarship student incurs in the education of the scholarship student, and the program manager approves, in accordance with statute.
Remember, all allowable expenses must be explicitly for the education of the scholarship recipient. Therefore, the scholarship includes accountability tools to protect taxpayers and ensure the scholarship is used for the intended purpose—To educate Utah students!
According to statute, to be an eligible service provider, a private program or service shall provide to the program manager:
- a federal employer identification number.
- the provider’s address and contact information.
- a description of each program or service the provider proposes to offer directly to a scholarship student; and any other information as required by the program manager.
- shall comply with the anti discrimination provisions of 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000d.
- may not act as a consultant, clearing house, or intermediary that connects a scholarship student with or otherwise facilitates the student’s engagement with a program or service that another entity provides.
There are still details of implementing the scholarship that are awaiting the selection of the Program Manager. Once selected, the Program Manager must provide an online portal for the parent of a scholarship student to access the scholarship student’s account, ensuring that scholarship funds in the account are readily available to the student.
The Program Manager will also establish an approval process for providers to become qualified. Qualified providers selected by the parent are paid directly within the online portal from the student’s account through a funds transfer to ensure accountability. Additionally, parents can have eligible expenses pre-approved and/or reimbursed for services or goods purchased from a provider who has not previously gone through the approval process to be added to the list of qualified providers.
The law explains payment information this way:
The Program Manager shall contract with one or more private entities to develop and implement a commercially viable, cost-effective, and parent-friendly system to:
- establish scholarship accounts.
- maximize payment flexibility by allowing:
- for payment of services to qualifying providers using scholarship funds by electronic or online funds transfer.
- pre-approval of a reimbursement to a parent for a good that is a scholarship expense.
The Program Manager may not:
- approve a scholarship expense for a service that a qualifying provider provides unless the program manager determines that the scholarship student or the scholarship student’s parent incurred the expense in the education of the scholarship student, or
- reimburse a scholarship expense for a service or good that a provider that is not a qualifying provider provides unless the parent or scholarship student submits a receipt that shows the cost and type of service or good and the name of provider; and the program manager determines that the parent or scholarship student incurred the expense in the education of the scholarship student
Sign up for our email list by completing the vendor form below and we will keep you updated as the details behind this program develop!
A service provider must:
- Submit an application to the program manager; and agree to not refund, rebate, or share scholarship funds with scholarship students or scholarship students’ parents in any manner except remittances or refunds to a scholarship account in accordance with this part and procedures that the program manager establishes.
- A private program or service approved under this section that changes ownership shall cease operation as an eligible service provider until:
- the program or service submits a new application to the program manager.
- the program manager approves the new application.
- demonstrate that the private program or service continues to meet the eligibility requirements outlined in statute.
Yes. The program manager shall adopt policies that maximize the number of eligible service providers, including accepting new providers throughout the school year, while ensuring education programs or services provided through the program meet student needs and otherwise comply with statute.
The program manager shall, if the private program or service meets the eligibility requirements of this section:
- recognize the private program or service as an eligible service provider and approve a private program or service’s application to receive scholarship funds on behalf of a scholarship student.
- make available to the public a list of eligible service providers approved.
The following is clarified in statute. You are encouraged to review the various sections of the law for a fuller understanding here.
A qualifying provider:
- has a right to maximum freedom from unlawful governmental control in providing for the educational needs of a scholarship student who attends or engages with the qualifying provider.
- is not an agent of the state by virtue of the provider’s acceptance of payment from a scholarship account in accordance with this part.
Except as provided in Section 53F-6-403 regarding qualifying providers, or Section 53F-6-409 regarding eligible service providers, a program manager may not require a qualifying provider to alter the qualifying provider’s creed, practices, admissions policies, hiring practices, or curricula in order to accept scholarship funds.
ACE Scholarships was selected by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to run and manage the program. They were selected through a standard business practice called an RFP (Request for Proposal) process governed by Utah’s procurement code.
The contract between ACE Scholarships and the USBE cannot and does not impose any requirements on ACE as the program manager that are not essential to the basic administration of the program.
What will be required of the Program Manager?
The Program Manager must be a non-profit organization with 501(c(3) status in order to apply. They will be required to comply with all accountability measures and responsibilities as outlined in the law, including but not limited to, not being permitted to harvest data for the purpose of reproducing or distributing the data, protection and confidentiality of personal information, no involvement in guiding or directing any curriculum standards, forbidden from receiving donations from outside sources, and required to provide the most flexibility to providers and to students to accommodate their unique learning needs. The program manager must implement the program as the law dictates.