Community Stories

Family Name

Family Name

Family Name

Family Name

Share Your Story

Share your personal story in the box below or a selfie video. We’ll elevate your voice to empower all Utah families seeking to find their child’s fit in education!

You are the primary educators of your children! Help us demonstrate with real examples of real learners just how empowering this scholarship would be for your child’s education. Every child is different. This scholarship can open doors to help them thrive and ignite their passions for learning.

1. Why is receiving this scholarship is so important to your family?
2. How it could change your child’s education experience?
3. How you would use it to customize your child’s education to their unique learning needs?
4. Share the ages and first names of your child(ren) for whom you hope to use the scholarship.

*Last names won’t be shared when using your story. If, when using a story for media purposes it would be more impactful to have a family come forward with their story, we will contact you and ask your permission.

We want to hear your story and volunteering your voice is a powerful thing. The most usable selfie videos are 30 to 90 seconds long, but don’t hesitate to share more and we can edit it down for you.
Max. file size: 2 MB.
One Last Step!(Required)
By checking the box below, I agree to let Utah Education Fits All (UEFA) use my written or video story in marketing, public relations, and promotional materials.
We use the information above to help us advocate for and grow the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program and education options. Utah Education Fits All will never share your information with third party marketing organizations. Learn More. Utah Education Fits All is a non-profit organization empowering Utah families and providers and is not the program manager for the Utah Fits All Scholarship nor affiliated with the Utah State Board of Education.

See Stories from Providers!