Utah Education Fits All Celebrates Incredible Demand for the Utah Fits All Scholarship

April 23, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: info@utahedfitsall.org

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — Robyn Bagley, Executive Director for Utah Education Fits All, released this statement today on the closing of the Utah Fits All Scholarship application portal.

“The numbers are in. We are not at all surprised to see such high demand for the Utah Fits All Scholarship as profoundly illustrated by the 27,270 student applications submitted to the program in its inaugural year. The outstanding response is indicative of parents’ growing inclination to shape their children’s learning journey. Utah families started flooding the system moments after the portal opened on February 28, with over 10,617 student applications received in the first 24 hours, and never let up. This year, the legislature doubled the funding for the program to allow for 10,000 students to participate. The final tally of applicants is telling. Despite the limited number of available scholarships, families were not dissuaded from applying.

We see this as a positive move. This is a demonstration of the rising power of parental choice and agency in education. We look forward to hearing the stories of what the scholarship students experience and accomplish in their first year when given the power to customize learning to fit their unique needs, values, and passions. May 3 – the day scholarship awards will be announced – will be a day of celebration for so many Utah families who have been waiting for the opportunity to explore and embrace new educational pathways; however, a far larger number of students will be left feeling the disappointing sting of the lottery selection. In fact, only 37% of student applicants will be the lucky recipients. The other 17,270 children and their parents must now shift their hopes to the possibility of an increase in program funding for next year. Our organization will continue to be a voice and their advocate to ensure no child desiring access to this empowering, flexible scholarship is denied.”

Utah Education Fits All mission is to ensure Utah families have the freedom and access to choose the best fit for their child’s education. Learn more at UtahEducationFitsAll.org.
