UEFA Southern Utah

Provider Fair

Our community is coming together once again to help families find their perfect fit in education!

Southern Utah, you asked for it! We’re delivering!

This event is for EVERY family interested in finding the best fit for their child’s education. Come and join us for fun, food, and the ability to connect with a multitude of different providers of education goods and services offering opportunities to customize your child’s education.

Bring the whole family! It’s FREE, making it an opportunity you can’t afford to miss!


Saturday, October 12, 2024

10:00AM - 2:00PM

St. George Catholic Church

259 W 200 N
St. George, UT 84770

At UEFA we believe in an education where the needs of families take center stage, allowing parents to customize options that align better with their values, expectations, and their children’s unique needs.

For Families

Whether you are a homeschooler searching for new ways to tailor learning for your kids, or a parent searching for the right private school fit, innovative new microschool, or a co-op, our UEFA Southern Utah Provider Fair presents a golden opportunity to explore a marketplace of education providers through face-to-face interactions and hands-on experiences. Every family receives a souvenir UEFA canvas tote at check-in! We’re also giving away t-shirts & buttons. Get your tickets today!

For Providers

Our UEFA Fair provides a unique platform to meet and interact directly with families. It enables you to showcase and demonstrate the innovative ways you can help families customize learning for their children. Our event is a bustling hub of potential for education businesses and schools.

For Exhibitor details, sponsorship opportunities, and cost click on the registration button.

For more information, registration, and sponsorship details, please contact us at info@utahedfitsall.org.